Sunday, December 22, 2013

Art Club Donates Art Supplies

This year, I am so proud to announce that Art Club collected over 150 art supplies to donate to the Child Life Program at St. Peter's hospital in New Brunswick. The coordinator of this program informed me that the children love to make art, however supplies are scarce and they go quickly. I am so proud of my students who helped make this possible! On Friday, December 20th, a few of the Art Club members and I brought our donations to the hospital. 

"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." -Winston Churchill 

String of Strength Event

On Thursday, December 19, Art Club had our first String of Strength event. We made bracelets to donate to children suffering with cancer and other serious illnesses. This event was sponsored by Beads of Courage. Our bracelets have been sent to the Beads of Courage team, who will then deliver them to children in the hospital. 

The Beads of Courage program is a resilience-based intervention designed to support and strengthen children and families coping with serious illness. 

Through the program children tell their story using colorful beads as meaningful symbols of courage that commemorate milestones they have achieved along their unique treatment path.